How was the fight against witches and their feasts going on? For years, the Inquisition built pyres to kill men and women suspected of witchcraft. Every possible way was used to combat the feasts, rites, and rituals they organized... Many innocent people were killed as early in the middle of the 15th century, and it wasn't until the end of the 18th century that the last fires finally died out. Only then did people stop viewing witches as devil's pawns, and their chants and herbal combinations came to be considered medicinal rather than dangerous preparations.
Another criminal activity of witches related to black magic is the sabbath. This is a feast known since time immemorial, during which the Christian faith was often mocked, fornicated, various intoxicants were consumed and, of course, various rituals were performed. It is even punishable by the death penalty.
Location and time of the feast. According to legends, the Sabbath was observed at night, usually on Saturday, in an isolated area that no outsider might accidentally stumble upon. Forests, mountains, meadows, abandoned cemeteries, and old castles were perfect for this. Witches and sorceresses are said to have flown to the feast site on brooms, pokers, or brushes, rode goats, and, in other cases, the devils "brought" them there through the power of thought. According to other beliefs, the witches did not physically participate in the Sabbath; rather, their spirits travelled there while their bodies remained at home.
It was believed that if the witch's body was twisted such that the head was where the legs were, the spirit would be unable to return, causing the witch to die.
The leader of the party. The witch party was led by the devil, who appeared as a black goat with bat wings. He is sometimes referred to as Mr. Leonard. During the rite, all participants kissed Satan's rare part, and he rewarded them with magical powder and liquid, which the witches used to concoct poisons and love potions. Witches are alleged to have sacrificed live infants to Satan, as well as ritually killing frogs, cats, dogs, and other creatures to create magical artefacts for use in different rituals.
Queen of the Sabbath. The youngest, loveliest, and, most importantly, still-innocent witch at the meeting would be named Queen of the Night's Sabbath. She had to strip completely naked, lie down on an altar built particularly for the event, and give up her virginity to the devil. This "procedure" was observed by all of the celebration's guests, except little children who were sent out to gather frogs at the time. Following the defloration, the Sabbath Queen would lie bleeding on the altar, her belly representing the table in the subsequent rites.
Black mass. The black mass came after the devil's play with the Sabbath Queen. Everything back then was diametrically opposed to Christian practices. The feast participants bowed to the chief devil with their backs turned to him. Sorcerers and witches cursed God, his teachings, and the saints, swearing eternal allegiance to Hell. The sacred host was wet with the Sabbath Queen's blood, which had been shed during defloration, and the devil held it up to insult the celebrants before distributing it to the congregation.The black mass ended with a jubilant celebration. Wizards and witches waved their torches and ran in a circle, singing different chants till the clock struck twelve. At midnight, all Sabbath participants gathered around the table to dine before the feast's last phase: unbridled debauchery. They also ate specially prepared meals including frogs, insects, snakes, and, according to myth, fried infants.
Orgies without limits. The party ended with all of the guests jumping into each other's arms and making love. They were unconcerned about their rank, social standing, or the events taking place around them. It felt like a huge sex scene, free of taboos and shame. According to folklore, Sabbath participants rubbed their bodies with ointments containing poisonous chemicals that stimulated the imagination and increased lust to experience the most passion and sexual pleasure before the feast. After the rites, witches and wizards fell asleep and experienced astral glimpses of the feast they had created themselves or the other participants.