It was a cold winter. Lots of snow, frozen lakes. In the spring, after the sun warmed up the snow and the ice, everything started melting, and the water in the lakes rose, rose, and rose, and flooded the Karaite houses. The men were at war, and the women, the children and the elderly went to Vytautas to ask for help. Vytautas mounted his horse, rode to the Karaite settlement, and saw that the whole of Karaimshchizna was flooded - only the chimneys stuck out. And the horse began to drink the water he gulped, gulped, and gulped until the water subsided and the houses emerged. Vytautas rode on, beyond Rėkalne, where the horse tinkled, and a new lake appeared close to Trakai. The Grand Duke is reputed to have saved those people from the flood.
