The purpose of the castle

Castles, Kaunas

Audio guide


The Castle was previously a prison with a courthouse (which is still on display inside). The courthouse was used for trials involving real estate and aristocracy.

The laws of that era were interesting... For example, if a nobleman stabbed a peasant, he would only face a fine and might continue to live peacefully. And if a thief was caught, he was imprisoned for three days and tortured. Torture, however, was extremely difficult to endure. However, the person who brought the thief to justice was later ordered to pay the court expenses. We'll tell you more about the torture and its brutality later.

Another equally horrifying feature was that the woman who was being raped had to scream exceedingly loudly to draw the attention of people around her. Otherwise, there will be no evidence or witness that it occurred. Surprisingly, a woman could still save the life of a person accused of rape. All she had to do was acknowledge she liked the process and marry her abuser.

