There are 21 islands in the most legendary lake Galvė. The island of Valka used to be a place for the condemned to die to be taken. The relatives of the condemned were allowed to see them from Raudų(Lamentations)Island. Three more islands are called the Middle Islands because they are in the middle of the lake. The clay used to be found in the Brick Island, it was used to make bricks for the castle's needs. It is said that in Bath Island Vytautas the Great used to "arrange" the baths for the nobles. The Castle Island is the largest one. Behind it lays Karvinė, or Karaimka island connected by bridges with the town and the castle. The Karaimka Island was guarded by a sentry, who protected the ruler from unnecessary disturbance. Later, it got the name Karvine because the locals used to bring their cows to graze there. There is an island called Little Church. There used to be an Orthodox church and later the Sapiega's Mausoleum was set up. According to the legend, the island got its name from the fact that the owner of Užutrakis Manor, J. Tiškeviviciene, who could not see the Trakai Church through her bedroom window, ordered the island to be dug up. The name of Galvė Lake also comes from the legend that it does not freeze in autumn and that the ice does not melt in spring because it must receive the "sacrificed heads". The museum preserves two stone heads found in Lake Galvė in 1923. Prince Kęstutis's chest of jewels is said to lie near Bath Island, on the bottom of the lake. Supposedly some lucky ones managed to get hold of the treasure, but the chest, when pulled to the surface, slipped out as if under a spell and disappeared again into the depths of the lake.
