Palace of the Dukes

History, Kaunas

Audio guide


From the Duke's Palace to the Psychiatric Hospital, the abandoned building had been given various titles over the years... According to historical records, the object was constructed in the fifteenth century. It was decorated with wonderful decor in the style of that time, renaissance ceramic window frames, which were unique not only in Kaunas, but also in the whole of Lithuania. The most noble guests of the city met in the building testify that it was a royal residence at that time. If you look up, you can see medallions in the window frames with portraits of the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I and his wife, Ona Jogailaitė, the granddaughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the Polish King Kazimierz Jogailaitis.

Since the 16th century, kings of Lithuania and Poland visiting the city have resided in the palace directly next to the descent to the Nemunas River, near the Franciscan Church, instead of staying in the Kaunas Castle, which has been washed away by the Neris River. Kazimieras Jogailaitis frequently spent time there, hiding from the plague with his children. Little Kazimierz, one of his six children, was a future saint and patron saint of Lithuania.

According to historians, this building could have served as Kaunas' initial town hall. Following their arrival in Kaunas, the ruler of the Republic of Both Nations, Žygimantas Augustus, and Prince of Finland, Jonas III Vasa, walked to the brick building on the town hall square with the king's quarters. The discussions on the wedding of Žygimantas Augustus' sister, Kotryna Jogailaitė, with the prince took place in this building. According to accounts, the prince declined. Jonas III Vaza did, however, sign a marriage contract at dawn on October 3 in the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Vilnius. The ceremony took place the following day.

After Kaunas became the governorate's capital in the mid-nineteenth century, it was decided to build a hospital there. The hospital's layout has been kept, with big wards and a morgue in the newly erected annexes. There were educators and students who said they sensed a horrible vibe because of how people were handled and died here. An exorcist arrived from the artists' forge to resolve the issue and allegedly drove away the evil spirits...

