God of Death Pikuolis (Pikolis), the Goddess of Death Nijole of the Underworld Kingdom

Legendary, Kaunas

Audio guide


Pikuolis is the third divinity of the Prussian Trinity. It is associated with death, burial traditions, and rituals. He is the deity of dungeons, darkness, fury, and disasters, and he used to be quite angry and mean. It was difficult to reach an agreement with him after aggravating him. Pikuolis' insignia comprised of three skulls put onto a spear: human, bull, and horse. He admired and enjoyed other people's troubles struggles, and grief. After angering any god, Pikuolis' servant would appear and demand repentance. To atone, fat was burned in a vessel for three days. If Pikuolis did not receive this sacrifice by the third day, he could only be appeased later with blood. Sacrificial animals included horses, pigs, and goats. They sprinkled their blood on the holy oak.

Nijole is Pikuolis' wife and the goddess of the underworld. People buried the sacrifices meant for her in the earth. It is thought that these Gods lived in the left underground of the Nemunas river valley. The river itself is commonly referred to as "the road beyond."

