Regarding death and love... How did Lily become a funeral flower? Lily, an astonishingly gorgeous girl, had a lover named Adonis. When he left for war, he handed his heart to a girl to keep. Time passed, the beloved did not return, and Lily became elderly. A man arrived in that land with news that Adonis had become a heartless bandit leader, stealing and murdering children and women. The Neighbours asked them to tell Lily that he had died. After learning this, the woman went to find the grave. She carried his heart in a gilded chest.
She travelled to that location. The robbers promptly attacked Lily and led her to their commander, her lover. The Heart talked to Adonis, telling him not to reveal that he was her lover. He pointed towards the mound, indicating that Adonis was buried there. As robbers snatched the chest containing the heart... Lily went to the stated location and dug into the earth ripping out her heart and burying it nearby... The woman died, and the lily of love and death grew where her heart had been buried.
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